When there’s a possibility that the shipment doesn’t comply with the deadlines established in the purchasing flow, such as the transit time, then this is considered as a transport Incident.
The incidents that may arise during shipping are not directly attributable to eBay Delivery because, as you know, we don’t handle the goods. They usually occur during the transit of goods.. The most common are: breakdowns or accidents with the vehicle on roads, motorways and restricted access roads, excess of goods, etc.
There are other types of incidents that are directly attributable to the sender or the recipient, such as:
- Absence at the origin or destination address
- Incomplete/incorrect address
- Rejected (the person who is there when the courier arrives doesn’t take charge of the goods; this person doesn’t necessarily have to be the recipient)
- Insufficient or inadequate packaging
- Missing labels or incorrect labelling
- Missing documentation for Customs (invoice, dual use letter, exportation permits, etc.)
- Missing contact number of the country where the collection or delivery takes place. (In the event of an incident, the transportation company will only call local numbers).
The above mentioned issues can be avoided so that the shipment arrives in perfect conditions and in the anticipated time. For this reason, we invite you to check the following articles in our help center:
If in your eBay Delivery dashboard the shipment is flagged as Incident, please contact us as soon as possible, by clicking on Contact us now at the end of this page or by using our Tracking contact form. Our agents will reply to your enquiry with a solution within 24 hours.