With eBay Delivery you can send electronic items. However, given their fragility, you must pay special attention to their packaging.
Please note that if your items include batteries, you must comply with the international regulation. Furthermore, on the IATA official website you can find all the information on the transport of batteries
The packaging must protect the products from shocks, falls and vibrations, so it must act as a shock absorber. Items are handled by automatic machinery and must withstand a free fall of at least 80 cm.
The original packaging of the item was designed for the transportation from the shop to the house/office, and it does not guarantee any protection for these fragile products. For this reason, please follow the tips here below:
- We strongly recommend you use matryoshka style packaging (box-in-box), to provide additional stability to the item.
- If you have the original packaging from the store, place it in a bigger box, at least 5cm from the borders. Fill in the empty spaces using shock absorber, to reduce the possibility of vibration while the item is transported.
Do not mix electronic items with other types of products such as liquids, as they might get damaged if there’s a breakage, without any extra protection coverage.
Packaging materials
Please use the following materials while packing your electronic items:
- Double corrugated cardboard boxes, based on both weight and dimensions of the item.
- Expanded polystyrene box.
- Mouldable foam.
- Polyethylene foam.
- Expanded polyethylene sheets.
- Polystyrene chips.
- Packaging tape.
Packaging instructions
Once you have gathered all the materials, please follow these instructions to avoid any damages:
- Pack the electronic devices separately, and make sure they are turned off.
- Protect on/off switches, to make sure they are not activated during transportation.
- Wrap the items with at least 5cm of expanded polyethylene sheets and make sure they are protected.
- Place the items inside an insulating container, which must be completely sealed. Avoid using any material that may conduct static electricity and damage electronic devices.
- Place your items into the double corrugated cardboard box, at least 5 cm away from the box borders, in order to avoid any damage during transportation.
- Fill the empty spaces of the box (using mouldable foam, foam chips or shavings, inflatable packaging), immobilising the items and protecting them from vibrations.
- Close and seal your parcel with a strong paper packaging tape.
In the event of damage, our Claims Department will only consider claims where the items have been transported with sufficient protective material. Any item that is transported without respecting our Packaging Guide will be excluded and ineligible for any compensation otherwise awarded.