We're sorry you’ve decided to delete your account.
Please note that once your account has been deleted, it can't be retrieved.
If you wish to delete your account, please follow these steps:
- Access your eBay Delivery account.
- Click Settings, on the top right of your screen.
- Select Privacy and use of data, in the left navigation menu.
- In Personal-Data processing, select No.
- A new window will be automatically displayed. Select No, then click I want to close my account.
- Confirm your action once again, by selecting again I want to close my account.
You will receive an email once your data have been deleted. Please note that our systems require an average period of 30 days to process the request.
If you have any doubt with regards to the processing of your personal data or any other question related to privacy, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at: privacy@packlink.com.