Every transportation agency and service has their own rates. To find out the exact price of your shipment, you will need to use our search tool in your eBay Delivery dashboard.
To get a quote, please follow the steps below:
- Access your eBay Delivery account.
- On the top right of your screen, click New shipment.
- Enter the country(s) and postcode(s), for both origin and destination.
- Add the weight of your parcel in kilograms and dimensions in centimetres. If you want to send multiple parcels, click
Add parcel.
- Click Get rates to see the available services for your destination.
During the purchasing flow, in the search results, in addition to the transit time displayed on the top left corner, you can click Details, to check all the information about the service, depending on the destination.
Please note that if you are sending items out of the European Union, you will need to fill in the Customs invoice. For more information about this important document and instructions to complete it correctly, click here.