If you have recently bought a product on a Chinese online store and you’re not satisfied with the purchase, you can send your shipment back to China using eBay Delivery.
Please note that returned goods (damaged goods or returned to the seller) are not prohibited, but they are not covered by the extra protection offered by eBay Delivery and they are excluded from any compensation, as they are included on our list of non-compensation items.
Please read carefully the following tips, to avoid potential inconveniences with the shipment:f
- Read the returns policy of the company from which the purchase has been made.
- If the return policy isn’t clear for you, check directly whether the item seller accepts returns will all transport companies.
- Find out which company it uses for returns and whether it requires a particular process (own return label, etc.)
- Check the complete delivery address with the seller. Ask for the address in English as Chinese characters are not accepted by all transportation company systems.
- Ask for a valid local phone number.
- Ask for a valid email address.
- Confirm with the recipient that they will take care of the taxes or duties at the destination, otherwise you’ll have to take care of them.
Once you have all the information and the seller has confirmed with you that there is no issue in making the delivery on your account, pay attention to the documentation that you will have to provide the Customs Office:
- Customs invoice.
- Copy of your ID card or Passport, as appropriate.
You can find all the instructions you need in our article Customs invoice and how to complete it.
Don’t forget to correctly describe the item(s) on the customs invoice as well as the value, even if the seller tells you otherwise. If customs discovers that the declared value or the product description doesn’t correspond to the truth, they may withhold your shipment and there may be a significant delay. It may also be confiscated.
If you need information about customs in China, you can visit their website in English here.