If the postcode you wish to ship to is not available on our website, unfortunately you will not be able to manage your shipment through eBay Delivery.
Our system is integrated with official postcode databases that are often updated, so your postcode will almost definitely be available on the website.
If you finalise an order with an incorrect postcode, the goods will not be able to be picked up or delivered. The postcode is an essential piece of information needed to ship your items correctly.
Please follow these instructions to check if a postcode is available on eBay Delivery:
- Check that you’re indicating the correct country.
- Make sure the order/format of the postcode is correct.
- Check if the postcode exists. You can check the UK postcodes on Royal Mail.
- Make sure each digit is in the correct position.
- Make sure you are writing the postcode in the country of origin/destination fields (numeric, alphanumeric or with a space).
- If the postcode is international, make sure there is only one (1) space between the digits. For example: CB1 0AH instead of CB10AH.
- If the postcode is alphanumeric (with letters and numbers), make sure all letters are in uppercase. For example: CB1 0AH instead of cb1 0ah.
- Do not search by town, otherwise the search results will show you the most commonly used matches.
You are sending goods from the postcode NW9 0AA (London) to the postcode 08001 (Barcelona):
- If you type "London", you will see several postcodes which are the most commonly used.
- If you write the postcode NW9 0AA directly, the correct postcode will appear as the first and only result.
The carrier will send your parcel according to the postcode you have provided in our platform, when you finalised your order. Entering the correct postcode in the address field is not a solution. The transportation company sorts and sends the goods according to postcodes, so your shipment will not be able to be handled properly.
If the goods have to be re-dispatched to a postcode different to the one indicated in the contract, please note that it will involve Additional Charges.
If you have questions about a specific postcode or its format, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Support, by clicking Contact us now at the end of this page and selecting Something else from the list. While sending your enquiry, please provide the postcode, the city and the country. Our agents will respond within 24 hours, to confirm whether the postcode is available or not.