Yes, according to the conditions outlined in our eBay Delivery Cancellation policy, you can cancel your order after the payment has been made, as long as the parcel hasn't been collected yet.
The deadline to submit a cancellation is limited to 15 days from the date the order was paid.
If you would like to cancel your order, please follow these instructions:
Cancel a shipment in your eBay Delivery account
- Access your eBay Delivery account.
- Locate the shipment you would like to cancel.
- Click View details.
- In the section Other actions, click Cancel shipment.
- In the pop-up window, select the correct Cancellation reason from the list.
- Click again on Cancel shipment to confirm.
Our Customer Support will contact you via email to confirm the cancellation and the refund.
Cancel a shipment using our contact form
- Access our Cancellation contact form.
- Enter the email address you had provided to finalise your shipment.
- Enter the Reference number in the correct field. In case you have forgotten this number, you can use our tool to retrieve it.
- Click Send.
- Select a Cancellation reason from the list.
- Click Continue.
Our Customer Support will contact you via email to confirm the cancellation and the refund.
- If you have printed the label or the address sheet of the shipment you have decided to cancel, make sure to destroy it to avoid confusion with other shipments.
- If you selected a service with home collection, do not hand the goods over to the courier. Instead, tell them you have cancelled the order.