The price displayed in search results on eBay Delivery, includes the collection, transport and delivery of the shipment that you have contracted.
As a result, there may be extra charges in the following cases:
- Difference in weight or measurements.
Return of the goods back to the place of origin: in this case, eBay Delivery may charge the user with an additional surcharge of the shipping cost from the location where the goods are to the place of origin.
- For shipments using the Chrono Classic service, the surcharge will be £20 + VAT, and for the Chrono Express service, £45 + VAT.
- Rerouting (delivery to an address different to the one provided in the original order).
- The collection and/or delivery attempts have been exceeded.
- Storage costs for a withheld package.
- Customs fees not paid by the recipient.
- Abandonment or destruction of a package.
- Irregular goods*.
*Goods that cannot be sealed or goods that require an additional control for classification. This may include, but it's not limited to:
- Parcels exceeding weight/dimensions indicated by the carrier.
- Parcels including liquids and with insufficient packaging.
- Bulky goods, for services that do not cover these shipments.
eBay Delivery will automatically charge additional fees using the same payment method you selected when you finalised your order.